About Us
A very warm welcome to Agnes Gateway Hotel, to Munda and the Roviana Lagoon. Whether you are here for only a brief visit or a longer stay, all of the staff here at the Lodge will help in making your time with us, memorable. Our lodge was started by Agnes Kera who, for nearly 30 years, had been the cook and custodian of the original British Solomons Government Resthouse, the building which is now known as the Orchid Wing. After Agnes' retirement, her family carried on the Anglo-Solomon hospitality traditions, and we are proud that even though the shareholding has widened to include long-serving staff members, Agnes Lodge is still a 100% owned Solomon Islands company. During your stay with us you will get to meet many of Agnes' children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nephews and nieces. Make yourself at home. | ![]() |
Welcome to Agnes Gateway Hotel We have another appeal you must experience. Not only is the Lodge local in most of its ways, you will be living very close to adjacent local villages where you can observe traditional Solomon Islands life and become involved in our local culture. Welcome to Munda and the Roviana area. | |
All of our staff are trilingual. You will have little difficulty in conversing in English, and you will also hear many speaking Pidgin, the lingua-franca of the Solomons. The indigenous language of our area is Roviana, and you may like to try out a phrase or two on our staff. Try these few for a start:
Good Morning | Munumunu leana | Mu-nu Mu-nu le-ah-nah |
Good Night | Bongi leana | Boon-ghi le-ah-na |
Thank you | Leana hola | Le-ah-nah hor-lah |
How are you? | Vea si goi? | Ve-ah-see-ghoi? |
I am fine thank you | Leana mo si rau | Le-ah-nah mor see raow |
Can I have a beer? | Hiva beer si rau | Hi-vah beer see raow |
I am hungry. | Arau ovia | Are-raow oh-viah |
What's your name? | Esei pozamu? | Es-say por-zha-muh |